1 kg Monkfish on the bone
8 sprigs Thyme
4 sprigs Rosemary
2 Shallots
8 cloves Garlic
4 ts Salt
100 ml Neutral oil
50 gr butter
Braised leeks
2 Leeks
400 ml Light chicken stock
Sauce Maltaise
200 ml White wine
200 ml White wine vinegar
2 Shallots
12 Black pepper grains
8 sprigs Tarragon
4 Egg yolks
200 gr Butter
20 gr Chervil & Tarragon (1:1)
1 Blood orange
Cut the green leaves from the leek, keep the white for later. Char the leek leaves with a blowtorch.
Slice the monkfish, with bone in, into steak slices and tie with the leek leave. Marinade for 24 hours into a mixture of half of the shallots, garlic, rosemary, thyme and some coarse salt.
Braised leeks
Cut the white part of the leeks into 10cm pieces. Fry until nicely coloured in a hot pan, add light chicken stock and gently braise until cooked through and through.
Sauce maltaise
Cut the shallot and sweat in a pan, than add the white wine and vinegar and bring to the boil with the black pepper and the tarragon sprigs. Boil until there is almost no liquid left. Drain and set aside until use.
Finishing the sauce
Zest the blood orange and reserve 8 wedges from the blood orange and some tarragon leaves.
Chop the rest of the tarragon leaves and chervil finely. Heat the gastrique over very low heat. Beat in the egg yolks with a whisk until an emulsion forms with thick peaks. Now mix in the ice-cold butter and add the tarragon and chervil. Season with salt, pepper and the zest and juice from the blood orange.
In a hot pan sear the monkfish, turn down the heat and baste with butter, thyme, garlic and shallots. Meanwhile reheat the leeks, and sauce Maltaise.
Serve with a layer of the sauce in the bottom of the plate the leek and monkfish on top, garnish with the blood orange wedges and fresh tarragon.
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